Xbox Game Pass is Live

As many of you had seen in the news before about Xbox's Phil Spencer, wanting to have a "Netflix for Games". It would seem that is what spawned the creation of Xbox Game Pass, a subscription based program in which for the price of $10 ($9.99 if you want to be "technical") you have access to a rotating roster of games, which currently has started at 100. There was a beta given to those who joined the Insider Program but it was vastly limited to what was projected to be released once the program went live.

Well, as of yesterday, May 24, 2017, Xbox Game Pass is live for Gold Membership owners. The "Full Live" version is set to release on June 1st. So if you're curious to see what's in the library of games for Xbox Game Pass, they're offering a 14-day trial to download and play whatever games are within the library, as well as benefit from the discounted purchases on both games and add-ons.

So Xbox players, rejoice, and go check it out!


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