Wonder Woman comes out in less than a month. We have a snippet of Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) in action. Although it is mostly Wonder Woman in action and she looks amazing kicking ass and taking names!
On June 1st, SpeedRunners shall be racing onto the store FOR FREE as apart of Xbox's Games with Gold program. SpeedRunners is an intense 2D multiplayer racing game. I would say it's like Mario Kart but you're running. You have power-ups that you can collect that you hinder your opponent(s) to claim the coveted first place as yours. The game's main objective is to eliminate your opponents and be the last one standing, so I guess it's a bit like Last Man Standing. The levels are varied and offer varying degrees of difficulty as there's many ways to get around on the map from multiple path ways to accelerated pads to help either keep you in the race or push you further ahead. Honestly, give this game a chance if you're Xbox, because I mean come on now, it's free!
Saber Interactive's indie basketball game, NBA Playgrounds is the most recent basketball game to come out that has shied away from the traditional simulator such as 2k or Live for that sorely missed arcade flair of NBA Jams. Touting the signature 2v2 match up and a splash of NBA Streets, Playgrounds is a breathe of fresh air, but sometimes even the air can be a little bit stale. NBA Playgrounds has been stated to be somewhat of a spiritual successor of sorts to the aforementioned games, NBA Jams and NBA Streets. Playgrounds does bring back the caricature-esque NBA superstars with their own unique art style to further embrace the arcade-y feel. Overall the game can be fun, shooting, stealing, shoving, and dunking as you aim to fill up your Lottery Bar to get one 6 possible power-ups to help shift the game in your favor. Yet even with those elements done quite well, some decent music, the lack of hype the announcers in Playgrounds makes the game feel a bit disjointed...
After several weeks of Closed Beta grinding, massive amounts of keys given away, many people streaming and hyping the game up, Marvel Heroes Omega, is finally going to be moving from CBT to Open Beta! Though there shall be a wipe, so everyone who got any heroes to Level 60 will have to get ready to do it all over again, but if you loved the game, this shouldn't be much of an issue at all. Open Beta begins on May 23rd for everyone, but if you bought into the CBT with a Founder's Pack or bought in the Premium currency, Gs, you shall be given Head Start access, starting on May 19th. The OBT for the PS4 will have 38 heroes available for play at launch, but if you want Iron Fist or War Machine, you'll need a Founder's Pack or else you'll have to wait 6 months before they are released to the public. You'll be given chapters 1-9, Operations, Midtown Patrol, Danger Room, Legendary Missions, and all 3 levels of Trails to delve into. As an added bonus Daredevil will ...
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