Destiny 2 Classes make Marvel Proud! (Opinion Theory)

DISCLAIMER: This is an opinion piece, doesn't not reflect any opinions of the Blerdy Boys as a collective whole, but just from one of the over-hyped fanboys who helps to run it. Thanks.

May 18, 2017, will probably be known as one of the most pivotal days in gaming this year. As on that day, yesterday at the time of writing, the world was blessed with gameplay and information for the second installment into Bungie's hit sci-fi FPS rpg, Destiny 2. There was a lot of information given in the live stream, but the main thing that was important (well at least to me) were the new supers. Honestly they're really quite awesome. I say this for two reasons, 1) They seem to be 100% full aggressive supers, 2) They remind me of Marvel characters. This may be a bit of a reach, but allow me to explain for just a bit, I'll even have some video inserts to help. So let's get started!

First let's talk about the Titan, aka the "Void Captain America". This one isn't much of a reach, and is what really spurred me to even write this article (aside from the hype of the videos that have been all over YouTube). Now everyone knows that Captain America is a certified, grade-A, American-made, super soldier of Justice! That shield is both a great defensive tool and when needed a heavy hitting mobile wall or badass boomerang that could leave you with a concussion that would rival Hulk's rampage on Loki. Now in Destiny 2, the Titan has learned how to wield the power and security of the mighty shield. Wielding this versatile weapon the Titan can either rush in with a "Charging Star" and bash some Cabal in the face; yet if he doesn't want to be up close and personal, he can have their heads ringing with a mighty "Shield Slash", and with what I speculate from footage, looks like the shield can hit multiple targets! Oh captain, my captain, slay these Cabal today!

Next, we come to my personal favorite class, who didn't get my favorite damage type subclass, Nightstalker (Void), in Destiny until the last expansion in the game, the Hunter. This "comparison" can be deemed a bit reaching because of the hero I chose, is Gambit. Now before I get into started, just know that Gambit is usually shown him using charged small objects, mainly cards, but in actuality Gambit can charge ANY object (staff included, though you don't really ever see him do so much, but it's possible, so it works) with Kinetic energy, and thus the connection between Gambit and Hunter, makes sense, even though Hunter is using Lightning and not Kinetic energy. Honestly, Void would line up perfectly to Gambit's style, mostly because of the color aspect, but that's minor. Also if the Hunter was given some projectiles to throw while the super is active a la "Pick a Card" it would be even more of an homage to Gambit. Yet, even with the lack of this mechanic, the idea still sounds really awesome, but I am also the one writing it, so yeah. Now the Hunter in Destiny 2 having this melee super does line up with the Hunter's Arcblade subclass in Destiny, I would've preferred ranged over melee as Hunters in my opinion fit the ranged DPS role best out of the classes, but if that was the case it would throw off my entire article, so this opinion is moot. Now being that I've not gotten to play the class, I can't really assess this, but in reality this melee super could actually be amazing once the modifiers open up. I just hope that as we unlock more, we can learn an ability in which you can launch projectiles and really tie in the Gambit aesthetic.

Finally, is the Warlock,  aka "Phoenix with a Sword", this one is probably reaching the most out of the three, but stick with me here. Now I didn't have to specify "Solar" because well, Phoenix gives away what damage type it would be, fire, as that's what the mythical bird of legend and one of the most powerful mutants Marvel has in their roster. So, yeah, Warlock's Super is probably my favorite, because who doesn't like being rain down fire and slay your enemies with fire? The arcs that come from your sword, hit hard and the AOE ground pound isn't something to scoff at. I mean you fly into the air and whip your sword around, reducing enemies to ashes, and if they think standing under you will give them refuge from your sword, BAM! BOOM! POW! you slam down to ground with a massive explosion, and eliminate all threats in one move. Only wish you left the crater in the ground to further emphasize on your epicness.

So of course this is probably a stretch, but I see the parallels here. Who knows Destiny could've gotten influences from Marvel. Maybe one of the main game designers is a huge Marvel buff and decide pay homage to the legends of yore. Maybe because I'm a fan of Marvel and fan of Bungie, I may just be wanting in my head to have them come together in one space and just kick lots of ass! Yet, whatever it is, Destiny 2 going to be a great game, let's just hope they will have solid content pre-DLC this time around.

- FhaTe


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