Tips and Tricks in Portal Knights

Greetings fellow Knights, with Portal Knights now released in the US, you may be looking for some great tips and tricks to help you on your journey to be the ultimate Knight, but just needed some extra guidance. Well hopefully these tips from our resident Knight-in-training, FhaTe, has been scouring the interwebs looking for a great tips to share with fellow Knights. So here are 12 helpful Tips and Tricks he found to get started or to help get through rough patches.

#1: Mining Bows

If you're looking for a faster way to mine, because the pickax only lets you break up on block at a time. Why not consider using a bow? If you can manage to line up your reticule you can destroy 2 blocks at a time instead of one, making mining just a little bit faster, that is until you discover the Mining Drill which allows you to remove 4 blocks at a time! Then you shall be called, Mole Knight!

#2: That reach

In Portal Knights your reach is really long, like very long. You can mine and place blocks up to 11 blocks away from your standing position. Let's see Minecraft or Trove try to match that!

#3: Destroyer of Worlds

Are you in dire need of materials but feel you have none left on the current world you're on? Fret not, for if this is the case, though unlikely, you can simply take your character into a brand new world, harvest all those goodies you need, and then with the click of a few buttons DESTROY it, insert evil laugh.

#4: You're not a Dragon

Dragons are known to be fiercely protective of their stuff and never want to let them go. However, you're not a dragon, you're a Knight, you don't need to horde everything over abundantly. Sometimes letting things go is a good thing, especially common items like dirt, straw, wood, or stone as they are abundant in the world and if for some reason you run out, refer to Number 3.

#5: Learn them all

Focusing on one character is perfectly fine, it would be more beneficial to not just stick to one class. Leveling up each class should be something you do, as each class has it's perks (as stated in Point 1, for the Ranger), and this is also especially helpful in late game when a class isn't represented, you can swap out and save the day!

#6: Explore!

This is a sandbox game, and with sandbox games, you should check everything! So bust out your handy pickax and mine away and check out the underbelly of the world.

#7: Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade!

As you play the game and find new things, you should always check back in on your crafting interactables (Crafting table, forge, etc) to see if you can either make stronger gear and items or be able to upgrade those interactables as they allow you access to better things.

#8: Mobile Homes

A good idea when playing Portal Knights is to make a little hut with the essentials on each world you're planning to explore. Doing this allows you to keep your inventory free of clutter, and also a place to hide if you happen to be on a map that's far too strong to play on normally.

#9: Control difficulty

So you're new the game (well obviously you might be, if you're reading this list) and you just want to play against some low level mobs and avoid the dangerously powerful Hollow Knights, to prevent that, don't complete the portal until you're ready to move on. The portal being completed is what triggers those mobs to spawn.

#10: Control game length

You can control how fast you go through the game based on the size of the world you decide to play in. Small worlds condenses everything together to help move through the game faster; whereas Large worlds offer more expansive ranges to explore. So small worlds are good for those looking for the action aspect; large worlds are good for those who want to explore and play.

#11: No Boundaries

Playing in larger worlds cause landmasses to spawn out on the horizon, you want to get there and check them out, because curiosity. If you want to go there, you can, and getting there is really easy. To do so you can create a bridge, making a bridge you look down, line up your reticule, wait for it to turn white, place block(s), continue until you reach your destination. If you get bored, you can always build something nearby and play there for a little while.

#12: Everything gives experience

Killing enemies, completing quests and mining give you experience. You determine the speed in which you level up.


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