Marvel Heroes Omega Xbox One Release Date Revealed [Update]

Finally, after waiting and waiting, hawking Gazillion's various social media outlets, and complaining about not being able to play the game as those on the PS4 got to revel in the sweet, sweet awesomeness of playing Marvel Heroes Omega on their end, we've got our release date for the Xbox One version. That date is, June 20, 2017, sadly that's a month and some days from the time of this article being written but it still feels like a long time to wait for a game that's been anticipated for quite some time. From the article I read on Xbox Wire, I'm not entirely sure if the game is going to straight into Live or if it will follow the same road-map as PS4 and have a CBT to Live launch, but we'll have to wait and see.

I personally wished it wasn't such a long gap in between the PS4 and Xbox One versions, but it could've been worse where Sony could've bought a timed exclusivity deal with Gazillion, and we'd be looking at a time frame of 6 months to a year before we'd have access to the game. So with calendars marked, we shall wait patiently to finally be able to play MHO in on our console of choice.

UPDATE: Marvel Heroes Omega, will be going into "Live" on June 20, 2017, Gazillion is skipping the entire Beta phase.

Written by: Rashaad "FhaTe" Johnson (Twitter: @Fhategaming)


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