Darksiders 3: IGN First - Review

Before the dismantling begins, it is understood that this is Pre-Alpha Gameplay.

If you'd like to see the video for yourself, the "IGN First" video is linked down below.

So with that out the way, let's talk about what was observed in the game, shall we? Well for starters Fury looks good (though we mostly see her from the back). Her character model has a nice athletic build, her flowing vibrantly red hair, and very conservative looking outfit tied her together nicely. Despite her looking nice, her animations in terms of combat movement seemed a bit annoying, especially her dodging. Side dodges has Fury doing a flashy mid-air cartwheel. which in combat a simple juke would seem to be more fitting especially being that it seems quite slow when she goes into the animation. Her back dodge is fine, though that also seems to be a bit slow too. So here's to hoping that they either simplify her dodges or perhaps make them faster, being that this is an action game and all, and she doesn't seem to have any ability to alter time.

Her weapon of choice is a whip which she uses for both combat and traversal. Biggest gripe with the whip right now is that it's louder than the background music and the simple combo after a while tends to get annoying to listen to. They did show some abilities with the whip, favorite being that skill in which Fury spins in mid-air like a ball and her whip rotates around her. Aside from that hopefully they can address the sound levels and probably lower it so it's not annoying on the ears.

Now with the couple of issues out the way, let's move on the shiny achievements witnessed. First off the graphics in the game were really good. It keeps the vibe of post-apocalyptic vibe but it has more vibrant areas compared to the more run down and washed out look of the previous games in the franchise. Another would be the enemy character models, seeing varied enemies  from heavy hitting tank like enemies to some you could kill in a hit, and even some that are used to open up possible secrets too. This helped to show off a bit of what tactics the enemies would employ, what the player can do to make sure Fury is the victor within the exchange of blows.

The finale, which had Fury fighting the boss, Sloth: The Lord of Flies was entertaining to watch, but does make you hope that this is just the first boss, as he was a bit boring to watch.

Source: IGN YouTube Channel


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