Paladins hits Open Beta on Consoles.

So have you been wanting to play Overwatch, but you just never seem to be able to snag it? Perhaps you have been waiting for it to go on sale more often, but can never seem to catch it? Well if that's that's the case, rejoice, as Hi-Rez Studios (the developers behind the popular MOBA, Smite) has released Paladins into Open Beta.

Paladins has been around a tad bit longer in time than Overwatch, but Paladins had a bit of an identity crisis in the beginning of development and implementation, which forced them to have to delay release and kept it under the Closed Beta moniker for safety as they fleshed things out. Though it's been in Open Beta for PC/Mac for a fair amount of time, May 3, 2017 marks the day that Hi-Rez released Paladins to the masses on both the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.

Whether you're looking for another team based game to play with friends, another game to compete in (there's a good following on the eSport circuit), or perhaps looking for a fresh game to stream on your console, definitely give this game a chance. You'll have pretty much everything Overwatch has to offer and more, such as, 24 unique characters (some with an homage to Overwatch characters), a nice variety of maps, player and weapon skins to unlock, mounts (yes the maps are quite large that you need them), and a card system in which you can customize your skills.

Paladins can do a good job of filling the void many console players weren't able to fill with Overwatch. So download, and hop in and have some fun, and if you like it and are willing to spend a little bit of money, you can buy a Founder's Pack, which unlocks all current and future released champions that Paladins will have on its roster.

Just in case these words don't impress you, here's a video:

Paladins Console OBT Trailer : Game Trailers

Here are the download links:

Xbox One Paladins

Playstation 4 Paladins

Source: Windows Central


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