SpeedRunners: Gotta Go Fast! Review

TinyBuild and DoubleDutch Games have released their hit competitive runner game, SpeedRunners to the Xbox One. If you're looking for a game that's easy to learn (as there's literally just the use of all 4 of the buttons,a nd the RT for Turbo) but difficult to master, then pick up this game. If you're looking for something that's family-friendly (unless wagers are made and families are broken, like Mario Kart can do on a crazy Friday Night) then definitely give this game a shot, you won't be disappointed.

SpeedRunners does come in 2 variations, there's the Basic edition, which you can snag for FREE, yes FREE as it's apart of the Games with Gold initiative from Microsoft. Then we have the Deluxe edition which comes with all the Add-ons such as extra characters and unique trail skins. If you choose to buy the add-ons seperately, it'll run you about $12, whereas the Deluxe edition will run you about $16. So it's really up to you, how you want to get in on this amazing game.

Just don't sit around too long, because June will come and go as fast you can run in this game, and you don't want to miss out on it!

[Full review break down is in progress, stay tuned]


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